FCF Minerals Corporation, the company behind the Runruno gold-molybdenum project, is eyeing to tap Abra province on its vast mineral resources.
In a Philippine Star report, Metals Exploration Plc and FCF Minerals CEO and president Darren Bowden said that Abra presents a vast potential for sustainable mineral development, and the firm is looking forward to expanding the magnitude of its mineral reserves which could benefit the Abra community.
The province is rich in minerals, including copper, gold, iron, limestone, silver, manganese, and other non-metallic minerals. Its topography and geology contribute to its mineral resources, making it attractive for mining investments.
Bowden emphasized that the firm’s mission is to outperform Runruno by promoting economic expansion, ecological sustainability, and improving the community in Abra.
FCF Minerals recently acquired a controlling interest in Yamang Mineral Corporation, which holds significant exploration tenements in Abra. This move aligns with the company’s vision to expand its global critical minerals operations.
The company’s track record in Nueva Vizcaya, particularly in its Runruno project, serves as a blueprint for its planned operations in Abra. At Runruno, FCF employs nearly 79% of its 1,145 workforce locally and has contributed over P5.71 billion in taxes, fees, and duties since commercial operations began in 2017.
Bowden emphasized the urgency of initiating exploration in Abra, citing its potential to house one of the world’s largest critical mineral reserves.
FCF Minerals has been recognized as a leader in responsible mining practices. Its Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) has allocated over P543.7 million to education, healthcare, and livelihood projects, including scholarships for indigenous students and infrastructure developments such as farm-to-market roads.
The company has also demonstrated a strong commitment to environmental protection and safety, achieving 23 million safe man-hours without a lost time incident. FCF has received multiple industry awards, including the Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Award for Surface Mining Operations and the Safest Mining Operation Award.
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